Thursday, February 5, 2009

Saturday evening, February 7, beginning at 7:30 - Peace Tales

On Saturday evening, February 7, beginning at 7:30, the Peace and Social Concerns Committee of Cambridge Friends Meeting warmly presents an evening of storytelling. Featured tellers are Diane Edgecomb, Norah Dooley, Elisa Pearmain, and our own George Capaccio. Proceeds from this event will benefit George’s Iraq Family Relief Fund, which provides monthly assistance to six Iraqi families. Suggested donation: 10-20 dollars. Refreshments will be available. The program will take place in the Friends Room. Families are more than welcome. Stories, both personal and traditional, will celebrate times of empathy and compassion along the pathway to peace. Please call George at 781-641-9846 if you have any questions about the event or the storytellers.

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