Sen. Kerry Town Hall
Join Senator John Kerry and discuss the issues at an open Town Hall in Somerville, MA. The seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis, so arrive early to make sure you get in! Somerville Town Hall Wednesday, September 2, 2009 7:30pm-9:00pm Somerville High School Auditorium 81 Highland Ave Somerville MA The right wing whack jobs have dominated the news - Isn't it time we went out and showed some unity and pushed for real reform? Filled the void of Teddy K ?
In the words of Mother Jones " Don't mourn, Organize!"
With that in mind, will join us at Somerville High?
Join Senator John Kerry and discuss the issues at an open Town Hall in Somerville, MA. The seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis, so arrive early to make sure you get in! Somerville Town Hall Wednesday, September 2, 2009 7:30pm-9:00pm Somerville High School Auditorium 81 Highland Ave Somerville MA The right wing whack jobs have dominated the news - Isn't it time we went out and showed some unity and pushed for real reform? Filled the void of Teddy K ?
In the words of Mother Jones " Don't mourn, Organize!"
With that in mind, will join us at Somerville High?
Meet at Somerville HIgh @ 5PM or as soon as you can get there? Bring your dinner or eat before you come - it will be a long night . Also please bring some signs - I am sure you can think of some good words, If not you can riff on these...
- HONK! if you want REAL health care reform
- Single payer yes ! Mass model? No!
- Managed care "kills grannies" every day
- We want Sen. Kerry's health plan!
- My Other Car is a Health Insurance Payment
- My Car Has Better Insurance Than I Do
- My Death Panel is an HMO
- Hate "Socialism"? Repeal Medicare Today!
- Sanctity of Life should not end at Birth! Support Healthcare Reform!
- WWJD: Who Would Jesus Deny? (Healthcare Reform Now!)
- My single prayer is single payer
- The Public GOPtion: Don't Get Sick
- GOP: Rest Uninsured America
- It8 0s OK..Congress Has GREAT Insurance
- Before Jesus healed the leper...did He check his insurance coverage?
- Public Option: Putting People Before Profit
- Democrat: A Republican Who Lost His Health Insurance
- What's Wrong With Expanding Medicare for Those UNDER 65?
- We Can't Fix the Economy Until We Fix Health Care!
- Healthcare Reform...Your Life Depends On It!
- Jesus didn’t ask for a co-pay
- All I Wanted Was Real Health Care Reform, and All I Got Was This Lousy Bumper Sticker
- GOP: Cancer Happens!
- Coming to a Hospital Near You: Attack of the Wingnuts Socialized Health Scare
- Put health back in healthcare
- Life is a pre-existing condition
- Doctors prescribe healthcare, insurance companies proscribe healthcare.
- USA: Third World Country. No Universal Healthcare.
- Health Insurance Profits Up 400%
- Kill Single Payer Healthcare! 30,000 Lobbyists Can’t Be Wrong!
- Universal Health Care Is a Family Value
- GOP: Defending Your Right to Higher Premiums Deductibles
- Government run military = #1 Private Health Care = #37
- Support the Health Care Bill - Or We'll Focus on Passing Strict Gun Control"
- Public option not public optional.
- POTUS+60 Senators+80seat House majority No public option in health care means there is NO PUBLIC OPTION IN DEMOCRACY!
- 1.4 Million Bucks A Day - Keeps Healthcare Away
- "Letting Americans Die For Profit?"
- "For Profit Healthcare Makes Me Sick"
- Health Insurance Premiums: its where 7 of your last 10 raises went
- Take My High Premiums From My Cold, Dead Hands
- One Nation, Underinsured.
- Republican Healthcare Reform: Be Rich or Die
- Health care should be a right...not a privilege
- Single Payer Is Pro-Life
- Take My High Premiums from my Cold Dead Hands
- Health Care is a Human Right
- Public Health Care will succeed where Private Health Care has failed
- Put Public Health before Private Profits
- Cure Health Care from Profititis
- Having insurance today does not mean you're covered.