Saturday, May 30, 2009


My mom is loving watermelon - Her nonna ( my great-grandmother, Maria Terelli) used to say: "Frutta meravigliosa- mangia, beve e lavi tu faccia!" which means "What a wonderful fruit, eat, drink and wash your face." But what do you call it in Genovese? Or in Napolitano ? Dialetti pui diversi, Cocomero or anguira? Non lo so? Any paisani out there?

And check out the square watermelon developed in Italia!

For the moment...

" I am fine, for the moment," says my mom. She is drowsy and a bit "stupafacente" literally stunned or in southern Italian "stanod" after 6 straight hours of morphine assisted sleep. She says she doesn't want to eat and refused ice chips? But she has her moments. After refusing she said - " Imagine, me refusing ice chips!" When I say she looks crumpled up on the bed and needs repositioning and she says " I am crumpet." I say "Yes, you are a lovely little crumpet! " Imagining it as an English term of endearment, I use a pommy accent. She says, "No, I am not." We arrive at "cheeky monkey" as her status and she smiles. Very quiet morning. Wondering...
and listening to some nice music too.