Sunday, March 11, 2007

Dinner @ Passim before show and...

Join us for dinner at Veggie Planet
Passim before show ?
and... I am thinking maybe some
Guiness after the show?


more on Sublime...MAR 19th @ Passim

Ridiculous & Sublime
Norah Dooley
with Bill McGowan, bass and Susan Miron, harp

@ Club Passim MARCH 19 @ 8PM

The tunes of 18th century blind harper, Turlough O’Carolan are combined with legend and folktales from the vast store of Irish whimsy and tradition. These nontraditional tellings are the products of this storyteller’s boiling brain combined with more standard versions of the lore.

A set of Irish legends and folktales and stories accompanied tunes of 18th century blind harper, O’Carolan Susan Miron, harp

Ridiculous & Sublime MAR 19 @ Passim

Ridiculous & Sublime
Norah Dooley
Bill McGowan, bass
Susan Miron, harp

@ Club Passim MARCH 19 @ 8PM

A set of stories about growing up and absurd adventures will be accompanied on bass by Bill McGowan.