Monday, August 11, 2008

massmouth has first mouthoff tonite! Aug 11

Share some of your stories at Toscis tonight where massmouth
will meet for the first time
. We are having our first mouthoff August 11th.
mouthoff n.slang -1. a meeting of storytellers and spoken word peeps of massachusetts where we bring the art of storytelling to the public for free, for fun 2. to speak your mind

Think of MOTH in NYC except add in the best ice cream and the smoothest espresso ever.

massmouth plans regular gatherings where we tell stories in public places bring our stories to the people
this mouthoff has a theme - 5 minute stories about money $$$
we will also meet to brainstorm and decide what kind of things we want to do.

First mouthoff meeting at Toscaninis in Central Sq
August 11th from 7-9PM at Toscaninis .
Location: Toscaninis Street: 899 Main St.
City/Town: Cambridge ,Mass. Website or Map:
Contact Info: 781 871 5892 (andrea) or 1 61720460 3544(norah)
massmouth(dot) ning(dot)com - events for more information.

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