Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Dog, a Cat and a Rat

Dunno about the sponsoring group but the video is interesting, no? There is a story here, for sure. A friend sent me this:

"This is a video of one of the homeless in Santa Barbara and his pets. They work State Street every week for donations. The animals are pretty well fed and are mellow. They are a family. The man who owns them rigged a harness up for his cat so she wouldn't have to walk so much (like the dog and himself). At some juncture the rat came along, and as no one wanted to eat anyone else, the rat started riding with the cat and, often, on the cat! The dog, will stand all day and let you talk to him and admire him for a few chin scratches. The Mayor of Santa Barbara filmed this clip and sent it out as a Christmas card."

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New Podcast and Other news

Well, I have been busy, working on taxes, trying to get my CDs back into "print" and working full time at a small private school. All I can say is "mad props and serious kudos" to real* classroom teachers. The amount of work, care and creativity that goes into this vocation( it surely isn't just a job!) is astounding.

So, with this dearth of free time I took a notion to make a podcast.
Why? I just do not know. My ADD gets worse as I get older.
Anyway podcast Vol. 2.#1 includes the legend of the King of Denmark. In it I read Carmen Deedy's beautiful telling of the story and tell some other true stories of bravery and creativity. See more about Carmen Deedy at: carmendeedy.com

I found out about David Shepherd and Travis Price while searching the internet for information about King Christian and other social issues. David and Travis are high school seniors at Central Kings Rural High School in Nova Scotia They did a simple thing. They stood up for a fellow student and acted with courage and creativity.

Give a listen and pass the link along at: http://storypodnewengland.libsyn.com/
SeatofHerPants Podcast Vol 2.1: Sticking your neck out.

To see what I am doing in school click on the link below:

* i.e. people who have been doing this for years. I am unfit to even sharpen their pencils